Missed call manias !

Missed calls ! So common nowadays and soo very convenient ! But some of the people like myself ..I don’t believe in missed calls and rather hate them ! Its just the belief that if we don’t before spending 100 bucks for some junk food or drink of thousands of them on a piece of cloth then why think twice before spending some paisas ? Its just so silly saving or miserness ! So whenever I get a miss call from somebody .. I call back just to tell then to either call me properly for the next time or never call at all !
I personally think that after the discovery of missed calls something more cheaper is yet to come ! Those were times when people used to directly connect through MTNL phones without any text messages or missed calls and still used to get low bills .but the more discovery going on the mass communication side ..the more increase in budgets are making homes along with the progress thats coming !
Yet its such a pitty that people don’t have the money to spend on talking to thier loved ones and need the support of missed calls for it ! And the person who never gives missed calls is tagged as a hero nowadays ! He is assumed to be soo rich … why ? Just because he always has his mobile charged up with some 100 bucks of balance in it ? Are our concept about heroism and heroes so limited that just by calling back each person after a miss call makes us a great persona ? A hero ?
After the discovery of some free calling on whatsapp and other social communication apps I don’t think so there will be any life of miss calls after a year or to . Or we may not know there will be some more a discovery of these missed call crazy freaks that they may start giving missed calls even on these free app .. why to waste thier internet 0.002 MB  too !
And may be the person who calls more on whatsapp may finally be tagged as whatsapp hero too !
The phase of life and community is so unpredictable now .. we never know what new dicovery we may have the next day and what typo person may be tagged as the hero of the society for some tiny or grave work !
But in today’s world ..its money that matters and savings that’s  cherished !!
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

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