Udine- The heritage city of Italy!

Udine, the city lying between the Adriatic Sea and the Alps. The beautiful city of Udine has a wide range of interesting historical sites, beautiful parks and a handful of intriguing museums which are enough to make your trip here more than worthwhile.

Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo

This amazing Diocesano Museum is an important cultural and historical building. This museum preserves the cultural heritage of the religious orders of Udine and maintains a huge amount of artefacts and relics dating back to Roman period, including a fine stone statue of Pluto. With an impressive library collection which contains over 10,000 volumes and manuscripts, huge collection of wooden sculptures and polychrome carvings and altar pieces, this place has everything to satisfy your curiosity here.

Piazza Liberta

The captivating, delightful square that lies in close proximity to Udine Castle, it’s the oldest square in Udine. This square is a plethora of fantastic structures with the Loggia del Lionello, the Torre dell’Orologio and the Arco Bollani. With the impressive architecture it’s the preserved monument of heritage dating back to centuries.

Loggia del Lionello

Considered as the symbol of the city, the Loggia del Lionello is created in a Venetian Gothic style. Being one of a kind of example here, it consists of portion of the first of which has a portico lined with a series of Venetian arches, the second level being decorated with alternating levels of white and pink marble.

Parco del Cormor

It’s a huge park stretched long with a fantastic view to catch. This park consists of a wild life, jungle side on one side and the other corner opens up to some refreshing open pastures and footpaths lined with trees and bushes, plus some interesting water features and fountains.

Museo del Duomo

The heritage site of Duomo Museum has the history of the structure and contains a plethora of relics and artefacts. This stunning piece of art is believed to be dating since medieval times and have been kept in impeccable condition despite their old age.

Udine Castle

This wonderful Castle of Udine was created in 1517 and was completed after some fifty years after it. This tower prides of having stunning arches, a central tower and a series of windows, the castle is one of the premier buildings in the city. It also consists of an Art and History museum with plethora of artefacts and artworks from the city and surrounding region.

The breathtaking city consists of these and some more stunning archeological and historical sites that has been dating back in centuries and provides a treat to spectators.

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